1.And the invasion of Humboldt squid seems to be making a noticeable dent in the local population of hake , experts note in a new study.
2.The company said it did not accept liability , but regretted any distress caused to the local population by the waste dumping.
3.A spokesman said the leak was quickly remedied and did not pose a danger to staff or the local population.
4.At the lower end of the scale (dark green), the land produces more vegetation that the local population needs.
5.He was on a foot patrol, part of a larger operation to provide security for the local population in Sangin, when the explosion happened.
6.Even if they were to lose the territory they hold, the Tigers could still sink back into the local population and launch attacks from there.
7.China will spend nearly $US5 billion on harnessing the Huai river, which has been a centuries-old scourge for the local population .
8.hospital features: locations, local population size, and demographics structure around the hospital.
9.And the similarities between the way that the army had to fight then too, dealing with the local population and all the small skirmishes.
10.Ahad said foreign forces had caused resentment among the local population by causing civilian casualties and by conducting house searches.